A market leader in the water testing field, WearCheck Water Laboratory has proven to be every customer’s choice when it comes to the analysis of water and water-based products.
We serve a large customer base from private individuals who might be concerned with their borehole water quality and municipal water supply to, water industry consultants, water boards, water treatment companies, mines, wet industries, automotive, Local, Provincial and National Government as well as other laboratories that require our analytical laboratory services.
Various internationally recognised techniques such as Photometric, Electrometric, Colorimetric, Gravimetric, ICP-OES and ICP-MS and Enzyme Substrates are used to obtain the best possible results in Chemical and Microbiological analysis of water.
Tests and analysis offered include:
Surface water quality testing and analysis
Groundwater quality analysis
Drinking water analysis
Waste water analysis
Inorganic analysis – major cations/anions
Physico chemical analysis
Organic analysis
Microbiological analysis
Borehole water quality
Heavy Metal scan
Hydrocarbon analysis
Environmental health analysis
Coolant analysis and testing
Water-based products analysis and testign
Customers can expect:
Friendly and professional advice on testing recommendations
Accurate results
Quick turn-around time
Competitive prices
User-friendly reports
Identify possible water pollution
Identify microbial contaminants
Ensure compliance to SABS and ISO standards
Why should you get your water tested?
Increased demand for water results in a higher possibility of contamination
Identify water treatment equipment required
Identify what your water is suitable for
Identify poor water taste and odour

Drinking water analysis is recommended monthly. While suppliers of drinking water maintain high standards of quality, external contaminants can affect your drinking water.
WearCheck Laboratories is a SANAS Accredited Testing Laboratory ISO 17025:2017, No: T 2203
Drinking water analysis per SANS 241:2015
Drinking water analysis in-line with WHO-Guidelines
Drinking water analysis for purified bottled water plants with subterranean sources per SANS 1657. This is regulated by the Department of Health, which has set standards of purity and safety for the industry.
Operational determinants; turbidity, pH and Aluminium (Al)
Health determinants; free Chlorine (Cl2), Monochloramine (NH2Cl), Nitrate (NO3-), Nitrite (NO-), Nitrate-Nitrite Ratio, Sulphate (SO42-), Fluoride (F-), Antimony (Sb), Arsenic (As), Barium (Ba), Boron (B), Cadmium (Cd), Chromium (Cr), Cobalt (Co), Copper (Cu), Cyanide (CN-), Iron (Fe), Lead (Pb), Manganese (Mn), Mercury (Hg), Nickel (Ni), Selenium (Se), Uranium (U), Vanadium (V), Total Organic Carbon (TOC), Chloroform (CHCl3), Bromoform (CHBr3), Dibromochloromethane (CHBr2Cl), Bromodichloromethane (CHBrCl2), Microcystin, and Trihalomethane ratio
Parameters tested include:
Microbiological determinants; E.coli, Total Coliforms, Total Plate Counts, Legionella, Faecal Coliforms, Faecal Streptococci, Cytopathogenic viruses, protozoans, Somatic coliphages and Cholera
Physical/aesthetic determinants; pH, conductivity, Total Suspendid Solids (TSS), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), colour, odour, taste turbidity, free Chlorine and Monochloramine NH2Cl.
Chemical Determinants-Micro Determinants; Sulfate (SO4-), Ammonia (NH3), Chloride (Cl-), Sodium (Na), Zinc (Zn), Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), and Phenols (-OH)

Waste water analysis is required before discharge to maintain and reach sustainable environmental standards. This allows for, determination of the waste water treatment necessary to reach this standard.
Our analysis is done per municipal by-laws. Industrial, sewage, and mine effluent water testing is done following municipal by-laws, DWS, and Department of Environmental Affairs standards. Analysis is reported as per discharge allowance for municipal stormwater drains, rivers and seas.
Our standard Industrial Effluent analysis consists of but is not limited to: pH, conductivity (EC), alkalinity, Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Ammonia (NH3), Phosphates (PO3−), Chloride (Cl-), Sulphate (SO42-), Fluoride (F-), oils and grease, Total Cyanide (CN-), Phenols (-OH) and 32 Elements, in accordance to compliance with municipal by-laws, the National Water Act, Individual Permit and License Agreement.
Our standard Sewage Plant Effluent analysis consists of but is not limited to: pH, Microbiological analysis, pH, conductivity, alkalinity, Total Suspended/Dissolved Solids (TSS), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Ammonia (NH3), Phosphates (PO3−), Chloride (Cl-), Sulphate (SO42-), Fluoride (F-), oils and grease, Total Cyanide (CN-), Phenols (-OH) and 32 Elements per DWS standards and Municipal by-laws
Our standard Mining Effluent analysis consists of but, is not limited to heavy metal analysis, pH and conductivity and other Limitations in accordance to General Authorisation Limits (GAL) by Department of Environmental Affairs, Individual Permit and License Agreement, and Municipal By-laws.

Analysis of Industrial water includes but is not only limited to wastewater. WearCheck Laboratories offer a variety of packages to determine water quality and functional use within the industrial space.
We provide you with preselected packages and tailored options, to fully analyse you industrial water for cooling systems, corrosion, boiler water, bacterial growth, wash bays and so much more.
Determination of Cooling Systems water quality is essential in the functionality and safety of the system. Our package includes: Alkalinity (Total or M) as CaCO3, Ammonia, Total Hardness, Chloride, Fluorides, Nitrate-Nitrite, Ortho Phosphate, Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Iron, Silicon Dioxide, Copper, Nickel, Lead and Biological Oxygen Demand.
Cooling tower water systems are an ideal environment for the growth of many types of bacteria, including Legionella. Every cooling tower should be monitored by routine sampling and testing for the presence of bacteria, both general (aerobic) bacterial species and Legionella bacteria.
Dip slides are sufficient for daily monitoring but a quarterly full suite bacterial analysis should be done to ensure safety.
General caution - clear water may be heavily contaminated with bacteria.
Our Corrosion Control Package analyses the waters' corrosive determinands, ellowing for the implementation of treatment measures and reducing long-term repairs and maintenance costs.
Our Corrosion Control Package includes: pH, Conductivity, Total Alkalinity, Chlorides, Suphate, Total Dissolved Solids, Total Suspended Solids, Langelier Saturation Index, Temperature, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Iron, Silicon Dioxide, Copper, Nickel, Lead, Biological Oxygen Demand

Irrigation, agricultural, water supply, river and pool etc. analysis is conducted following recommended parameters for required water (drinking, irrigation etc.).
Irrigation and agricultural water analysis is conducted to ensure the preservation of soil fertility and recommended to follow GAP requirements. Water that does not fall within the GAP requirements can negatively impact the soil ecosystem as well as plant growth. These analysis consists of, but are not limited to; Sodium Absorption ratio, pH, minerals, conductivity, Manganese (Mg), Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca), and Sodium (Na), as per GAP standards
River, lake and dam water analysis is conducted following National Water Act standards.
Pool and Spa water analysis is measured but, is not limited to; pH, chlorine, Total Alkalinity and Calcium Hardness. Cyanuric Acid levels should be tested for in outdoor pools which use chlorine.
Our Cape Town Laboratory offers Sea Water Analysis, to determine metals, ions, contamination and more
Ground and borehole water can contain varying levels of contaminants. Microbes, metals and minerals play a role in the everyday water supply.
While your water is clear, water analysis may reveal potentially harmful contaminants that would otherwise remain undetected. Bacteria are found in all-natural water systems. Most are harmless but, some can pose health risks. Corrosive elements found in water can damage plumbing as well as appliances, shortening their lifespan. Salts and metals found in water may be harmful. Natural leaching of pesticides and agricultural waste can contaminate underground systems
Ground and borehole water analysis are required as groundwater can be contaminated by leaching of agricultural waste, leaking sewage and lines and natural geological systems. Borehole and groundwater analysis is conducted per compliance with client requirements;
Drinking water analysis – SANS 241:2015, recommended testing to be done seasonally or during high rainfall seasons as water table levels change.
Irrigation water analysis – GAP requirements
Drinking water analysis for purified bottled water plants is done per SANS 1657
Inorganic water analysis includes; metal screen, Total Suspendid Solids (TSS) and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
The physicochemical analysis includes, but is not limited to; pH, conductivity, Total Suspendid Solids (TSS), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), hardness, Chemically Oxygen Demand (COD), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Alkalinity, Chlorides and Dissolved Oxygen (DO).
Organic water analysis includes, but is not limited to; Total Organic Carbon (TOC), Total petroleum Hydrocarbon, Trihalomethanes, Phenols, Microcystin
The microbiological analysis includes, but is not limited to; E.coli, Total Coliforms, Total Plate Count, Legionella, Faecal Coliforms, Faecal Streptococci, and Cholera
Metal analysis includes, but is not limited to; Lead (Pb), Chromium (Cr), Mercury (Hg), Arsenic (As), Cadmium (Cd), Zinc (Zn), Copper (Cu), Antimony (Sb), Nickel (Ni), Selenium (Se), Aluminium (Al), Manganese (Mn), Iron (Fe), Sodium (Na), Phosphorus (P), Barium (Ba), Boron (B), Cobalt (Co), Molybdenum (Mo), Vanadium (V), Tin (Sn), Magnesium (Mg), Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca), Beryllium (Be), Titanium (Ti), Strontium (Sr), Thallium (Tl), and Silver (Ag)
Services offered include the chemical analysis of:
Drinking water to test compliance with National Drinking Water Standards
Environmental mine and surface water to test compliance to National Water Act
Waste water, to test compliance to National Water Act as well as individual permit and licence agreement
Industrial effluent, to test compliance to Municipal by-laws
Blue Drop and Green Drop Compliance

Customers can expect the following:
Friendly and professional advice on which tests to consider
Accurate results
Quick turnaround time
Competitive prices
User friendly reports
Additional analytical and reliability solutions offered by WearCheck
Condition Monitoring Programme - Audits and implementation
Vibration Monitoring
Thermal Imaging
In-situ Balancing
Structural Resonance
Transient Analysis
Operational Deflection Shapes
Advanced Field Services
Non-destructive testing (NDT)
Technical compliance (TC)
Rope condition assessment (RCA)
On-Site Laboratories
Hydrocarbon Management - proper in-plant storage
Total Fluid Management (TFM) - optimising the efficiency of fluids
Training – across numerous technical fields
Monitoring an engine’s cooling system performance is imperative, as research shows that 40% to 60% of all diesel engine failures are caused by a faulty cooling system. Therefore, a key factor in avoiding dreaded premature engine failure is to keep the cooling system operating optimally by using the most appropriate coolant and regularly measuring its chemical and physical properties.
Without proper maintenance, cooling systems can lead to failure modes such as overheating, overcooling, pitting, cavitation erosion, cracked heads, piston seizures, reduced critical clearances, low oil viscosity, increased wear and plugged radiators.
The effects of these problems manifest as:
• Acid/alkalinity balance (corrosion)
• Scale and deposit formation (blockages)
• Electrolytic corrosion (electrolysis)
• Cavitation erosion (liner pitting)
• Galvanic corrosion
• Additive loss
• Aeration (erosion)
• Rust
The longer a particular coolant remains in an engine, the greater the probability of these problems occurring. With increased coolant service life, therefore, the need for regular coolant monitoring increases.
WearCheck has devised a set of tests to determine whether the coolant is in good condition and capable of doing its job. If any of the pre-determined parameters are found to be out of the recommended range, then remedial action can be taken to ensure the healthy, normal operation of the cooling system and, in turn, the engine.